OKAY.. So I'm in Ms. Kotek's room right now and its lunch. I'm not as hungry anyways. BUT then its like as though as if 2nd lunch is like cursed.. I mean all the fights starts there. Ugh, I hate violence of any sort, it just disgusts me. I really think it has no point, when it comes to it physically. I mean it doesn't solve anything, its just straight out pointless. Goodness, these people need to come their senses! It's S T U P I D!! Ugh. It pisses me off when people get cocky about these stupid things. I mean who said talking it out wasn't a option? I just think those people just have too much pride to deal with it or more like anger management, too angry to even try and talk, therefore they do things without thinking. AND you know what, I understand that its like a problem, an issue they're dealing with but if they don't even try to help it then I really can't understand why. I mean why would you want to be angry all the time? There's so much more happier things to life then holding grudges and hoping on getting revenge because well... News flash, life isn't fair and we can only live it to the fullest. Spending your life on those pointless ideas only hurts you and you really gain nothing. Because in the end, getting revenge is only giving other people the pain that you supposedly felt but what happens next? You only hurted people, how did it benefitted you? S E R I O U S L Y, I think our freakin' world is so corrupted and we all need to get it straight... Because all we're doing is making it worst by doing all of these pointless things. Think about the more important things in life that can be a blessing to not only you but to others. I think that we, people are just a little too selfish sometimes that we don't think about other people who needs the most help. We as people have so much potential within ourselves to make a difference but I think too many of us underestimate ourselves too much, that we actually end up not using the full potential that we have. But seriously, think about it. =)
Okay, I know I ranted really badly, but hey. I am serious and thats why I'm even writing about it, so here's a little piece of me that you know now. =) Agree or disagree, this is purely my opinion.
Found this on Google since Photobucket wont work on our school network. =/
It's pretty cool nonetheless. =)