My 'feed' contains lots and lots of advertisement of all sorts, from clothing to jewelery. Containing also, is brand names. As much as we would like to deny it, the truth is brand is so important to us whenever and whatever we shop for. These advertisement shows America, or represents American as a dollar sign as most people would say it. America seems to only care about consumerism and less about the people. For example in "Feed" Violet was rejected of a repair because she didn't consume enough, therefore they saw no reason to let her live. This is so cruel and harsh, it really is. I mean a innocent person is dying from this stupid computer chip that was implanted into her brain and all you can think about is how it will affect the stock market? Gosh, really... This was so sad because it really showed me that people's lives are less important. The social implications are obvious, I mean its all sex appeal. For example, the Victoria Secret ad, the model is like half naked, its implying that if I get that bra or underwear I'll be seen the same way, which is so not true. I mean sure, it has its ups but really, who's really going to see it anyway? I mean unless you go around showing people, then I guess that's a different story. Most of the time these implications are bad, I mean its just pressure people to feel a need to get something because they want to feel 'sexy' or 'cool' it really puts one in a bad situation. Resistance isn't something easily done, I mean even I have an issue with it. I have my views on what's cool, what's in and what's out. I think everyone does, its natural to do so. You're constantly surrounded by these things everyday, eventually you can't help but get pulled into it. Plus its part of our society to do so. The media doesn't quite show us resistance because well, the media IS a big part of consumerism, if they go against it, what do they have left? The impact is pretty big, I'd say. Like I've mentioned before even I have my 'cool's and my ins and outs. Its normal really, my 'cool' may not be your cool but it really defines a person's personality. Kind of like the stereotypes, like if you wear all black, you're either emo or gothic. Its real simple, but I think this effects us all. The moral Anderson wants us all to see and understand is that if we don't control ourselves now, things will only get worse. People will become more stupid, lives will be worthless, and corruption amongst all those lines. Its horrifying and for the most part, sad.
I think Titus ordered those pants just because he was bored and his 'feed' was shooting ads at him about the pants and I guess what better thing to do than buy it? At the end when the interlude said "Everything must go!" I think it indicated that in the end even if an innocent girl dies, the world of consumerism continues and nobody really cares unless we are willing to take a stand and do something about it.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Persepolis Blog Response.
In Persepolis there were many situations, wither bad or good in Iran. But the citizens found ways to have fun and laugh about it. Even if it involved breaking the law, like people threw parties, drank wine, played cards and all these things were prohibited. But I think that was what made it fun was the fact that, although it was stupid that these things were prohibited, it was fun because of the thrill of going against the Shahs. It made me laugh because of the way they were sneaking around to each other's houses to party and when they were in a bad situation, they would just run. Like Marji's aunt who freaked out and just gave Marji her baby.

Marji's family is quite, well.. Accepting I would say, compared to a lot of traditional people, her family is actually really westernized. Because what's really important to them is actually freedom, nothing else matters than freedom and the right to fight for their country's freedom. They're mostly against the Shah's laws but in order to survive they must do so according to the law. In the book Marji's family all agrees on this, that their country's freedom including them are most important that even dying for it is worth it.
Religion overall is very important in this story and even now in our world, people die to get their freedom of religion. It's so cruel and sad. In Persepolis, religion plays a huge role in this story because the Shahs are basing their laws on religion, and by doing this they're controlling people. In the book Marji's uncle states that since most people are uneducated its hard for them to base things off of politics so they base it on religion, which makes it easy for those political leaders to persuade those uneducated with promises of religion. So religion is real important. =)
Marji protesting in her house, sine she can't go to the real ones.

This shows Marji's passion that she has for freedom.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Feed Visual Essay BLOG
OKAY so finally, I'm getting to it. =) My Visual Essay.. I really wanted to post this but I wanted to really finish it to my full content first. =)
OKAY, so I understand that I may not have the best pictures but I tried, it took me all night looking for something nice enough. =/

I picked this picture because well.. I thought this was pretty funny. Haha, because honestly I find myself doing this.. I'll be shopping around at Forever 21, Wet Seal or Charlotte Russe [MAJOR consumerism..] AND I would look at the graphic tees that has music notes or a stereo on them and be like 'OH if I buy this maybe people will at least know something about me before I say anything' its kind of funny actually because the people who are selling are so good at selling these things that even us people don't realize how stupid we are... Haha.. =)
OKAY, so I understand that I may not have the best pictures but I tried, it took me all night looking for something nice enough. =/

I picked this picture because it really showed a really cool but true message. This is so totally true! I mean, its like when those weird salesman approaches you with this cool new gadget or whatever, they are actually saying, 'HEY buy this because you don't really have a choice,' AND we believe this because well.. We're stupid and slow people/consumers. We're addicted to buying. ALSO we're all people who wants to fit in, so when there's something new that's 'in' and then everyone buys it.. For example, the iPod Touch&&Blackberry.. Those are so freaking popular nowadays. Everyone apparently have them. BUT 'Free Choice' is definitely an illusion.. =/

So I actually found two great pictures, when I saw these, it reminded me of when Violet and Titus' dad had that conversation about the forest and creating more factories but especially for oxygen, which is ironic because trees are what produces oxygen. =/ People are really stupid like seriously... BUT our world is really dying, because of all the craziness of everything combined, the factories and its bad air from the production, products that can't be recycled, and so much more that I can't think of right now.. =) But this shows you that people like Titus' dad are stupid enough to want to destroy natural resources because artificial resources gives them more profit.

So I actually found two great pictures, when I saw these, it reminded me of when Violet and Titus' dad had that conversation about the forest and creating more factories but especially for oxygen, which is ironic because trees are what produces oxygen. =/ People are really stupid like seriously... BUT our world is really dying, because of all the craziness of everything combined, the factories and its bad air from the production, products that can't be recycled, and so much more that I can't think of right now.. =) But this shows you that people like Titus' dad are stupid enough to want to destroy natural resources because artificial resources gives them more profit.

I picked this picture because well.. I thought this was pretty funny. Haha, because honestly I find myself doing this.. I'll be shopping around at Forever 21, Wet Seal or Charlotte Russe [MAJOR consumerism..] AND I would look at the graphic tees that has music notes or a stereo on them and be like 'OH if I buy this maybe people will at least know something about me before I say anything' its kind of funny actually because the people who are selling are so good at selling these things that even us people don't realize how stupid we are... Haha.. =)
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