Monday, June 8, 2009

The Cat in the HAT BLOG. XD

The fish in this story has a superego outlook, in my opinion. I mean, its debatable, but in my opinion I honestly think he's really looking out for everyone, including himself. Some may say he's being selfish or so on, but really you need to kinda put yourself in his shoes. I know its kind of hard to imagine yourself as a talking fish, but let's pretend he's a person if you really can't imagine it.

OKAY, so no one can not, NOT think about themselves, I mean its natural, everyone wants to be safe and in this situation the fish wanted him and the kids to be safe and he felt the cat was in the way of their safety. Many may say that he's just one big party pooper, but I guess this is where someone's superego becomes a disadvantage, is when its misunderstood. The fish asks the cat to leave and ask the kids to stop him because no one should be in their house when their mother is not home. This shows an indirect characterization through his dialogue, he feels strongly that the cat is a threat to not only their family but to their home and property.

The fish pretty much shows dislike to the whole idea at the beginning when he tells the cat to leave after the cat tries to juggle him but ends up dropping him and all the other things along with it.

So overall I think the fish is more superego rather than i.d, because he really looks out not only for himself but the kids also. Fearing the trouble and consequences in their perspectives also.