Friday, November 6, 2009
Steppie Designs GIVEAWAY!! ;D <--- That's her site, check it out. ;)
Monday, June 8, 2009
The Cat in the HAT BLOG. XD
So overall I think the fish is more superego rather than i.d, because he really looks out not only for himself but the kids also. Fearing the trouble and consequences in their perspectives also.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Feed Project.. POSTER
I think Titus ordered those pants just because he was bored and his 'feed' was shooting ads at him about the pants and I guess what better thing to do than buy it? At the end when the interlude said "Everything must go!" I think it indicated that in the end even if an innocent girl dies, the world of consumerism continues and nobody really cares unless we are willing to take a stand and do something about it.
Persepolis Blog Response.

Monday, May 11, 2009
Feed Visual Essay BLOG
OKAY, so I understand that I may not have the best pictures but I tried, it took me all night looking for something nice enough. =/

So I actually found two great pictures, when I saw these, it reminded me of when Violet and Titus' dad had that conversation about the forest and creating more factories but especially for oxygen, which is ironic because trees are what produces oxygen. =/ People are really stupid like seriously... BUT our world is really dying, because of all the craziness of everything combined, the factories and its bad air from the production, products that can't be recycled, and so much more that I can't think of right now.. =) But this shows you that people like Titus' dad are stupid enough to want to destroy natural resources because artificial resources gives them more profit.

I picked this picture because well.. I thought this was pretty funny. Haha, because honestly I find myself doing this.. I'll be shopping around at Forever 21, Wet Seal or Charlotte Russe [MAJOR consumerism..] AND I would look at the graphic tees that has music notes or a stereo on them and be like 'OH if I buy this maybe people will at least know something about me before I say anything' its kind of funny actually because the people who are selling are so good at selling these things that even us people don't realize how stupid we are... Haha.. =)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
"Feed" Prompt #2 =D
According to Titus, the 'feed' practically lives in the people so it almost controls them.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Okay… So we are recently reading “Feed” in English and this is my prompts! =D I thought them throughly but please comment away if you must. =)
To start off in “Feed” the girls Calista, Quendy, and Loga change their hair frequently it seems. This shows how the ‘feed’ set trends and style that it makes people want to be at the top that the more the ‘feed’ does so the more they make money off of them. Its an easy way to make money off of the people who has the ‘feed’ implanted in them. Next, with the book referred at “To all those who resist the feed.” First of a all a ‘feed’ is how I see it, is, a computer micro-chip that is implanted into people’s brains, giving them no control really over how to think or what to think really… Because they are provided with all the thoughts the ‘feed’ gives them already. To resist the ‘feed’ is to refuse to cooperate with it, in the book Violet and Titus meets at the mall and Violet shows Titus a way of resisting to ‘feed’ which was to go to each store and ask for odd things but never purchase it. It causes the ‘feed’ to try and look at these as your interests so they could find more things for you to consume. But by doing this Violet is causing the ‘feed’ to not have a clear definition causing the ‘feed’ to be confused, and by doing that Violet is resisting the ‘feed’ because each time the ‘feed’ suggests something Violet doesn’t give in and buy the item instead she finds other odd things to look for, not letting the ‘feed’ control her but her control the ‘feed.’